How to create a Project Timeline with VisualMaker?

What's a Project Timeline?

A project timeline is a visual overview showing in a chronological manner what actions and tasks you need to complete in order to complete a given project.

A project timeline is very common concept in the project management world. Whatever project types your are managing, a project timeline is always a powerful method to improve the communication and visibility around your project, to get aligned with all the stakeholders regarding, deadlines, expectations and milestones to reach, to help in the monitoring and control of your project including for your resource management (workload, finance, time).

What's Visual Maker?

VisualMaker is a Software as a Service (SaaS) helping you to create images from your content with ready to use templates. Including them in your presentations will help you better present, communicate your ideas and engage with others. 

VisualMaker is fully text based. You simply need to apply some key words in the editor or modify directly the available template. 

List of Key Words

The principle of the key words is pretty simple: One key word for one feature.

#1 Title

Use Title=”” to display the title of your project timeline within the Project Timeline template.

e.g. Title “Regulatory Strategy 2022”

#2 Project

Use Project “” to display the name of you project within the Project Timeline template.

e.g. Project “Technical Documentation Submission”

#3 From

Use From= to display when is the starting month of a given project. Use 1 for Jan, 2 for Feb, 3 for March, etc.

e.g. From=1

#4 To

Use To= to display when is the ending month of a given project. Use 1 for Jan, 2 for Feb, 3 for March, etc.

e.g. To=1

#5 Note

Use Note= to display a specific note for a given project. Could be to highlight the importance of the project or to inform about the status of the project

e.g. Note”Important”

#6 Color

Use Color”” to display adapt a given color to a given project line. You can use HTML color names or HEX codes.

e.g. Color=”Blue”, Color =”#0000FF”

Check out the HTML Color Names available.

Specific Item

To introduce a specific item in a specific month, you can use the number of the month in question and add a comment or symbol. Any comment and/or symbol are allowed.

e.g. 7=”⬪” (This means that in July, you have a specific item (“⬪”).

Check out the HTML symbols available.

Pragmatic Example

You need to create a regulatory strategy for a EU IVDR submission. For this, you want to draft a Project Timeline with the main project streams, deadlines and milestones.

(1) Go to and access the Project Timeline Template.  You will be granted a lifetime access including all the future updates.

(2) On the left panel of the template: Add the key word Title =”EU Regulatory Strategy | 2022″. The title of the Project Timeline will appear on the right side of the panel.

(3) On the left panel of the template: Add your project streams.

Imagine that this project stream “Technical Documentation Compilation” is on-going, started in February 2022, ending in June 2022, with a milestone (⯁) in June and you want to attribute the color #87CEFA (Lightskyblue) to this stream. 

Then, this is easy. Based on the key words terminology, you could write the following:

Project=”Technical Doc Compilation”           From=2 to=6        Color=”#87CEFA”           6=”⯁”     note=”On-Going” 

(4) Click on the button Download. Your Project Timeline will be downloaded in a PNG format. Copy/paste it to any kind of presentation/document. Go back to your Project Timeline template when needed to ajust it/update it

(5) Give us your feedbacks. What you liked, disliked, new features you want to see, new template you want to have.

Illustration of the Above Example

Left Panel of the Template (Inputs)
Right Panel of the Template (Outputs - Image immediately generated)
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